Hahaha, who am I kidding. He called her a slut. Then, just to make sure there was no misunderstanding, he went on to clarify exactly what he meant, hijacking the debate and leaving conservatives in a flaming ruin behind him.
Thanks, Rush.
Later in the show, perhaps realizing that soundbite was going to come back to haunt him, he walked the statement back a bit, but didn't recant it. It didn't matter anyway, the damage was done. The usual suspects were immediately filled with righteous indignation. Calls and petitions were made and circulated demanding a variety of apologies by Rush and sanctions against him for his breach of civility.
Should Rush have said that? No. Was it wrong, hurtful and demeaning? Yes. Was he right to apologize? Yes. Do I actually care? Not really.
The truth is that what Rush said, while wrong, is pretty tame compared to the kinds of things that get tossed at conservatives on a regular basis. Don't believe me? How about Bill Maher calling Sarah Palin a cunt? What? No howls of outrage? Eco-wacko's comparing conservatives to holocaust deniers, have you watched Keith Olbermann's show in the past two years? (Don't sweat it, no one else has either, hence his ratings). Wander over to twitter and check out #breitbartRIP or #breitbart to see the vicious things said about Andrew Breitbart on the day he died. If your curious, check out my twitter feed, I retweeted a dozen or so of the better ones.

Have you watched The Daily Show or The Colbert Report recently? How about Family Guy when Seth MacFarlane is in a political mood. (In fairness to Seth, he posted a very nice tweet expressing sympathy for Breitbart's family on the day he died). All three of those shows are hilarious, top notch comedies, but vicious toward their opposition.
Michelle Malkin and Ann Coulter routinely have some of the most vile racist and sexist slurs I have ever seen or heard (and I've heard a lot) hurled their way by leftists. Check out the Santorum urbandictionary.com entry. No insult intended there, right? Conservatives speaking in public and at state universities are routinely prevented from speaking by organized mobs of leftists, and yet I'm supposed to be outraged that Rush called a 30 year old self-described activist a slut?
Glass houses, stones and all that.
Rather than asking why the left thinks it's okay to trade slur for slur, maybe a better question is why the right doesn't jump to the defense of their members at whom these slurs are targeted.
ReplyDeleteI've never heard anyone on the right condemn anyone (on the left or otherwise) for vicious attacks towards Ann Coulter. I remember the McCain camp tried to denounce attacks on Sarah Palin, calling them "sexist," but I never once heard anyone explicitly denounce the use of the C-word when it was directed towards her.
The problem is as much that these slurs are being traded as it is that the right has developed a permissive culture that allows them to continue. I'm sure if conservatives took a stand against this behavior, it would be harder for "lefties" - or anyone else - to get away with it.
PS. If you can find examples of conservatives denouncing sexism / racism / etc., I would love to see them.