I hate Christmas.
Well, that's not actually true. Spending time off work with friends and family is actually sort of fun. So really, I guess I just hate Christmas music. Actually, that's not true either. I guess I really just hate bad Christmas music and the obnoxious American habit of playing it non-stop for a full month. It's almost enough to make me agree with my commie friends that capitalism is evil. Almost.
Side note: Do they do this in Europe? I'm assuming non-western countries don't celebrate Christmas.
Let me reiterate. A few times a day, a few days a week, Christmas music is fine. Non-stop for a month? It's almost enough to make a man dream of a Christmas massacre. (Also a horrifically bad movie).
Which brings up the next reason I dread the season.
Many of the classic Christmas songs are beautiful, even if they're not really my thing. Who can complain about Bing Crosby singing White Christmas? (Don't bring up his absolutely awful movie of the same name, though. Seriously, just don't go there.) Why does every no-talent Tom, Dick and Harry who's had their 5 minutes with a microphone and one mildly popular single feel a need to create their own crappy version of Christmas songs? Seriously, how many variations on Let it snow does the world need?
I really think your post needs this video to sum things up: http://youtu.be/kHmvkRoEowc